Wednesday, July 14, 2010


You are so fun to photograph! Thanks making senior photos so fun! You are a wonderful young lady and I hope you have enjoyed being one of our display kids! Thank You!

Monday, July 12, 2010


You guys are such a great family and we appreciate you so much!! I had a great time, as usual, taking your family photos and I know your going to love them! Thanks for being so easy to work with and being great friends!

July 12th

So after a weekend that really could have been longer we are back and off to a good start for the week. I am not real excited about today because I have to go to the dentist and I am a nervous a dental patient! Oh well at least I like who I am going to! Otherwise we are just busy editing photos from the weekend!
Keep in mind our model special going on right now and also to our seniors we still have that half price creation fee and dvd special running! Models need to call soon or you will miss out on a great opportunity to have your photos taken! Also add us on facebook if you use it. We love to have new friends! Hope everyone has a great day and we will be talking to you later!